"D*ck-heads," "You can suck on it," "Ken doll crotch," "I want to get ass," "You d*ck," "Get a room," "Balls" (testicles), "This house sucks ass," "Retard," "No way kemo sabe," "You sound insane," "I'll round-house your ass," "Whore," "I'm not buying that crap anymore," "Are you out of your mind?" MUSIC (INAPPROPRIATE)
To try to scare away potential buyers of their parents' house, Brennan dresses like a Nazi neighbor (telling the prospective buyers "Hey f*ckers"), while Dale dresses like a KKK member. ("Ask a Foolish Question"), On the last day of a family road trip, the boys decided to build a truck stop diner as they didn't get to go to one on their trip. Dale tells Alice that he likes "making sex with you," but she admits, "I can't be f*cking around.". Curious if this title is entertaining, any good, and/or has any artistic merit? They also tell their sons that they'll have to get an apartment and attend therapy. ADAM SCOTT plays Brennan's egotistical jerk of a brother who treats him and Dale badly, despite of or due to his own successes in life. Ignatius then wonders how their platypus came to Africa, but then Ferb says that platypi are synonymous with the word impossible. None. The interviewer asks if that was a fart, Dale says he doesn't know, but the interviewer says it was, adding that he can taste it in his mouth, and then identifies onion and ketchup. },
Sexually related humor, song lyrics and dialogue (some of that being explicit) are present. She then says she wishes she could roll Dale up into a ball and put him up her vagina, adding that it's warm and cozy, and talks of feeling him up there.
Ferb and his brother discover what is going on and try to get them back. SEX/NUDITY
Several centuries later, the boys helped save Princess Isabella, who had been kidnapped by Doofenshmirtz ("Doof Dynasty"). Most of the following is played for intended comedy. Perry switches beds in the middle of the night to make it fair between the two ("Oh, There You Are, Perry"). Robert and Nancy have wine with dinner. Ferb and his brother met Meap, a cute space alien who was searching for his nemesis, Mitch. He then rips off her clothing, revealing her in a cleavage-revealing corset or something similar. Reilly is Dale ("Call me Dragon"), the equally immature son of Dr. Robert Doback (Richard Jenkins).
Brennan and Dale's actions (including destroying Robert's boat) end up putting such a progressive strain on Robert and Nancy that they get divorced. Derek shows his six-pack abs to Brennan and Dale (showing off). of a helicopter leasing company and has two seemingly perfect kids with his wife Alice (KATHRYN HAHN). Brennan and Dale aren't happy about their parents getting married (Brennan angrily states he's not calling Robert "dad"), and are even less pleased that they'll be living in the same house and having to share the same room. An infrequent running gag in the series is that Phineas accidentally causes Ferb bodily harm as a result of the former's obliviousness ("One Good Scare Ought to Do It! According to Candace, him and Phineas smell of motor oil and confidence. Ferb helped Jeremy dance on a national television show by doing the dance moves for him.
Derek and others try to taunt Brennan by saying the latter has a "mangina." Dale Doback (JOHN C. REILLY) is 40-years-old and similarly still lives with his doctor dad Robert (RICHARD JENKINS). "Butt-hole," "Snap," "A huge doucher," "What the hell is going on?" They wear Yoda T-shirts, dream of rock stardom and get their jollies over back issues of "Good Housekeeping." All Rights Reserved,
Dale complains about the things they won't be able to do anymore now that Nancy will be living with them, including that they "like to sh*t" with the door open. February 29th,[4] less than 15 years before the current time of the show Comedy: Two grown men, who still live at home with their single parents, must contend with living in the same house and sharing the same bedroom when their parents get married.
He ends up helping them set up a dinner for the pair, only for it to inexplicably disappear. Phineas realizes that summer doesn't last forever, and decides to make summer last by doing outrageous things. "Butt-hole," "Snap," "A huge doucher," "What the hell is going on?"
Derek's business associate repeatedly yells out "Pow! He trades juvenile insults and fights with him, uses strong profanity, and views pornographic magazines. Ferb speaks very rarely, but is not actually shallow as others may assume. We see an at sea music video that Dale and Brennan made for their song and that includes footage of them accidentally running aground against large rocks, destroying the front of Robert's boat. Several times when the three are together, Ferb simply steps away to leave the two alone ("Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You! Perry then arrives, cheering Ferb and the other characters up automatically ("Oh, There You Are, Perry").
Images ("Bee Day") ("Bee Story"), The Marvel superheroes powers are drained by Doofenshmirtz's inator. Gerb and his brother had invented the wheel and had a celebration of Can-tok inventing fire ("Tri-Stone Area").
We then see both holding up tape measures, presumably comparing the lengths of their penises (which are not seen). Student (on vacation)EngineerScientistToy designerFashion designerseveral others... People have champagne and wine at a wedding reception. "Sprechen Sie d*ck?" They then proceed to beat up the older men. On the summer solstice, Ferb and his brother flew around the world in 40 hours. ImitativeBehavior
About the latter, Alice tells Dale that she's going to pleasure herself tonight to the thought of that.
Dale and Brennan find a common foe, however, in Derek who isn't above belittling both of them. A short while after that, Ferb became a member of the Phineas and the Ferb-Tones, where they became one-hit wonders in just a day ("Rollercoaster", "Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror", "Flop Starz"). Derek's business associate comments on a miscellaneous woman's clothed "t*ts" (we don't see them). She uses profanity. From that point on, and as Brennan becomes enamored with his therapist, Denise (ANDREA SAVAGE), and Dale has unhappily married Alice coming on to him, the two men must contend with the various changes in their lives that stem from their new familial arrangement. None. But if Ferrell and company like to bite the hand that feeds them, the mockery is decidedly indulgent. Ferb does not show much facial expression and only occasionally smiles or frowns. He is the step-son of Linda Flynnand the biological son of Lawrence Fletcher. To taunt Dale, Brennan says he's going to put his "nut-sack" on Dale's drum set. ("The Lizard Whisperer"). His swimwear is a dark purple pair of swimming trunks with yellow spots and a light purple lining sported with dark green sandals. ", Some bullies (early teen and younger) taunt Dale, calling him a "fag stick" and asking if Brennan is his boyfriend and "butt buddy. Blood/Gore
He stopped by Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, whom he was particularly fond of, and backed up a bit to flirt with her ("The Chronicles of Meap"). Derek shows his six-pack abs to Brennan and Dale (showing off) and taunts them with that and how much money he makes. Some bullies (early teen and younger) hold down Brennan and force his face down toward some dog excrement, making him lick that (seen in close-up). In Paris, Ferb shows his crush on Vanessa by riding on a motorcycle with her and bringing flowers for her.