Factors that induce involuntary automaticity include ambiguity, stress and fatigue, and lack of clear roles and responsibilities. People who cover their mouth or eyes while talking could be trying to cover up involuntary expressions. Whenever I wear the wolf shirt I have a lot less issues with involuntary urination. , When my manager announced involuntary layoffs for numerous people in our company, I became very nervous. Complex vocal tics typically involve the involuntary expression of words. Involuntary sexual intercourse such as rape and sexual abuse may occur more commonly among adolescents, especially younger adolescent women, and often pose a potential risk for acquisition of STDs. It may be associated with involuntary muscle spasms, sustained muscle contractions, and exaggerated deep tendon reflexes that make movement difficult or uncontrollable. A particular type of involuntary movement, coupled with emotional instability, occurs in about 10 percent of all RF patients. Flip flopping between manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter, officials decided on the latter. The involuntary echoing of the last word, phrase, sentence, or sound vocalized by oneself (phalilalia) or by another person or sound in the environment (echolalia) are also classified as complex tics. He gave an involuntary smile. musculus; their introduction has always been involuntary. Athetosis-A condition marked by slow, writhing, involuntary muscle movements. Here, says Ritschl, the involuntary logic of predestinarianism speaks its last word. If the growing Christian Church, in quite a different fashion from Paul, laid stress on the literal authority of the Old Testament, interpreted, it is true, allegorically; if it took up a much more friendly and definite attitude towards the Old Testament, and gave wider scope to the legal conception of religion, this must be in part ascribed to the involuntary reaction upon it of Gnosticism. Then yielding to an involuntary fit of sybaritism, I unhooked the bellows and tried to get the fire to burn. said the count with involuntary vexation. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. For most humans, breathing is an involuntary act. Dystonia-Painful involuntary muscle cramps or spasms. Involuntary in a sentence 1. Consent: Some programs only enroll voluntary participants while others allow involuntary ones. They can also cause involuntary twisting or writhing movements of the limbs or face called dyskinesias. But it must be remembered that these conclusions are arrived at by confusing action, reaction, life, excitability, impulse, and rational desire, all under the one word " will," as well as by omitting the involuntary action of intelligence under the pressure of evidence. Perhaps the most striking example of this is coprolalia, the involuntary expression of obscene or socially inappropriate words or phrases, which occurs in fewer than one-third of people with Tourette syndrome. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine from the bladder. 2. It can evoke involuntary emotional responses. done without thought or without planning. 2. said Pierre to himself, and an involuntary shudder ran down his spine. An involuntary cry escaped her as he entered the room. Reflex-An involuntary response to a particular stimulus. Another menace is the Vidiians, a race blighted by a wasting illness, who would be worthy of pity if they didn't deal with their problem by involuntary organ harvesting. If she were left without maintenance during her husband's involuntary absence, she could cohabit with another man, but must return to her husband if he came back, the children of the second union remaining with their own father. "We've stayed too long!" Certain medical disorders are characterized by involuntary and uncontrollable muscle contractions. This theory has been propounded in many forms, but the central idea is that the universe of individuals consists of the involuntary "outpourings" of the ultimate divine essence. Lisa put shaking fingers to her mouth to silence an involuntary cry. Involuntary definition is - done contrary to or without choice. The door is left wide open for involuntary euthanasia. Nystagmus-An involuntary, rhythmic movement of the eyes. The only really curious thing about his school life was that he had a weird and quite involuntary habit of getting French prizes. Some of the difference results from involuntary unemployment or involuntary early retirement, reflecting labor market distortions. The primary symptom of RLS is the presence of involuntary movements that occur when the individual is at rest. Breath holding spells are episodes of brief, involuntary cessations of breathing that occur in children in response to stimuli such as anger, frustration, fear, or injury. The involuntarytwitch of sleeplessness starts. The second class of phenomena, which we may call the automatic, consists in table-tilting and turning with contact; writing, drawing, &c., through the medium's hand; convulsive movements and involuntary dancing; entrancement, trancespeaking, and personation by the medium of deceased persons attributed to temporary "possession" (q.v. It requires no will, but is usually involuntary, for the stimulus forces one's attention, which is not always voluntary; not all judgment then requires will, as Wundt supposes. Syncope is associated with low blood pressure, heart problems, and disorders in the autonomic nervous system, the system of involuntary functions such as breathing. On the 8th of August 1846, when a bill was introduced appropriating $2,000,000 to be used by the president in negotiating a treaty of peace with Mexico, Wilmot immediately offered the following amendment: "Provided, That, as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico by the United States, by virtue of any treaty which may be negotiated between them, and to the use by the Executive of the moneys herein appropriated, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory, except for crime, whereof the party shall first be duly convicted.". A form of involuntary celebrity exposure is by a top slip or a skirt flip and maybe a few poor clothing choices. It may be associated with involuntary muscle spasms, sustained muscle contractions (dystonia), and exaggerated deep tendon reflexes that make movement difficult or uncontrollable. Thus, how can the involuntary. Jenny and Antony moved a few inches further apart, then giggled at each other because of the, 29. a declaration that his abdication had been involuntary, and, occu- Napoleon pied Madrid (March 23, i8o8). 7. With the exception of Madagascar, the genus Mus ranges over practically the whole of the Old World, having indigenous representatives even in Australasia; while the house-mouse, with man's involuntary aid, has succeeded in establishing itself throughout the civilized world. Expressions can sometimes be involuntary; many people have a difficult time hiding their true feelings about a specific topic, no matter how hard they try. Kidnapping, involuntary resurrection—these were not the foundations on which trust was built! Freezing-inability to begin a movement or involuntary stopping of a movement before it is completed. Involuntary. Psychogenic disorders-A variety of unusual, involuntary movements that occur in children with psychiatric disorders or in response to anxiety, stress, depression, anger, or grief. , The little boy’s immediate and involuntary reaction was to move his hand away from the hot stove. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. Myoclonic seizures are characterized by brief, involuntary spasms of the tongue or muscles of the face, arms, or legs. Every act of theirs, which appears to them an act of their own will, is in an historical sense involuntary and is related to the whole course of history and predestined from eternity.